Dental Implant [Case Study]


In today’s campaign, you’ll learn how easy it is to generate paying patient leads for as little as $11.

But first, let me give you a quick overview of why you should invest in Facebook advertising vs other methods of advertising.

Personally, we find Facebook to be the best medium to advertise with, simply for the targeted reach.

Let’s say you specify in dental care for the over 50’s, who’ve likely been in an accident and may need reconstructive surgery? Extreme I know, but we can target people who’re over 50 and have an interest in “personal injury”, “Slip and fall” and “car crash”.

Or perhaps you provide, or would like to provide cosmetic dentistry to late twenties/early thirties who have disposable income? Well we can target that age range, target their income at £60k +  and must have shown an interest in veneers or teeth whitening.

We can target them at every stage of their customer journey too, and create content for them to capture them as a lead:

“How to choose a dentist to perform a cosmetic surgery?”

“Best finance options for cosmetic dental surgery”

“Start a cosmetic dental surgery for as little as $197 per month”

When we compare this to google advertising, we can only target buyer intent keywords.

For example:

Cure toothache

Dentist near me

Best way to whiten teeth

And although we could generate customers like this, it can be very expensive (£5 per click expensive!) and you have little control in influencing them.

Before searching on google for an answer to their question, something they’ve seen, heard, read, or thought has made them create that search.

And it’s that ‘driving force’ that motivates your patients to action is what you’re lacking with Google but Facebook allows us to do masterfully.

What we discussed earlier is only the tip of Facebook marketing, it’s really a very big and complex tool which helps you reach your ideal customer, at the ideal time and align them with an ideal offer that you can provide for them.

And once you’ve got your head around creating sales funnels, how to make adverts on facebook, how to close leads via email – then you too could begin to see your practice grow at an unprecedented rate.

Once it’s setup, you simply turn the advert ‘on or off’ when you want, and have full confidence that your sales funnel will deliver patients for you.

Take this recent campaign for example:

What you can see above you is the inside of our Facebook ads manager. You will see the top 2 adverts generated 54 implant leads at a cost of $14.93 each.

This means for $806 spent on adverts we generated 54 leads with a value of over $1,000 + for implants.

In other words, the $806 we spent on Facebook advertising had a value of over $54,000 +

And this is just the cash on the front end, we’re not even considering the lifetime value of each customer. You could upsell 6 month checkups or further dental surgery.

If you’ve ever ran an advert in a newspaper, you know how expensive it is and how varied the results are.

Facebook really is a beast. On one hand, it’s scary how targeted it can get, but on the other this allows us to actively reach your ideal customer, without leaving it up to chance.

If you’d like to discuss your practice in relation to Facebook advertising, then please feel free to contact me directly for a free consult